Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Kill your darlings

Kill your darlings

Is a post with a download of an exercise on how to judge the quality of photos.
Could be a useful thing to do for later int he project.

Meetings yesterday all afternoon

Karen, Dave, Wendy, and Lynn met for hours at Paul and Barny's place and sorted out items like the budget, the planning team structure for March, and made a lot of agreements on buying kit some of which mey be available and here for Saturday.

The Lynn left and Colin arrived followed by Megan.

Colin had spent a long time on the phone with Anita from CMS.
Anita - supposed to be on holiday - was trying to finalise agreements with the Big Intent actors. Looks like they had a clear idea of what would work, Anita had a clear idea and we had a clear idea of what we thought they were going to do and these three pieces of data had never been fully knitted together. For a while things looked dodgy. A day later and it seems that this may open up the way for something better than we had imagined as another actor and trainer may be able to come and join us.

More later.

roller coaster

Yesterday we prayed Lord be the Way and today it seems like
i> more people are sick
ii> the programme is coming together
iii> there is an exciting new possibility

we ll the nearer we get to Jan 6th the more this feels like a roller coaster
with problems and people ill, planning difficulties, agreements that are unclear and people who did not realise the exact implications of saying what they were saying yes to. in this all there is an exciting sense of things coming together and I will try to put up an account of the last few days tonight.

One very exciting thing has come from the BigIntent team coming later than expected and this may be the involvement of "Sarah I" .... it looks like she might be able to come and fit into either the afternoon gap or the morning session or maybe both. She has some exciting material on trafficking and Bangladesh. :-)

This means that we could have some very exciting input while the cameraman is here recording stuff for the proposed feature on Channel five community news.

Meanwhile 80% or more of the organising team are sick one way or another . . . .
Help Lord!